The Man in the Iron Mask
(OverDrive Read)
The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later is the final book in Dumas' d'Artagnon Romances trilogy. The book is in four parts, of which this is the fourth. According to French academic Jean-Yves Tadie, the real subject of the book is the beginning of King Louis XIV's rule.
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Alexandre Dumas. The Man in the Iron Mask. Duke Classics.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Alexandre Dumas. The Man in the Iron Mask. Duke Classics.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Alexandre Dumas, The Man in the Iron Mask. Duke Classics.
MLA Citation (style guide)Alexandre Dumas. The Man in the Iron Mask. Duke Classics,
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OverDrive Product Record
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- Man in the Iron Mask dArtagnan Romance Series Book 06
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- d'Artagnan Romance
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- title
- The Man in the Iron Mask
- fullDescription
The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later is the final book in Dumas' d'Artagnon Romances trilogy. The book is in four parts, of which this is the fourth. According to French academic Jean-Yves Tadie, the real subject of the book is the beginning of King Louis XIV's rule.
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- value: Grade 6
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- shortDescription
The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later is the final book in Dumas' d'Artagnon Romances trilogy. The book is in four parts, of which this is the fourth. According to French academic Jean-Yves Tadie, the real subject of the book is the beginning of King Louis XIV's rule.
- sortTitle
- Man in the Iron Mask
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- 785012
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- series
- d'Artagnan Romance
- publisher
- Duke Classics
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- code: FIC004000
- description: Fiction / Classics